Charlotte Bond

Author, Editor and Podcaster

Lee Harris Princess Questions

2018 is the year of the princess!

Throughout the year, I will be asking authors from a variety of genres as well as a host of others from editors to academics, what they think makes a definitive princess.

Lee Harris is the Senior Editor at Publishing, and the former Senior Editor of Angry Robot Books. He has been nominated for the Hugo Award twice – once for Editor (Long Form) and once for Editor (Short Form).

He has far too many unread comics, books and unwatched DVDs and downloads – not that that would ever prevent him from buying more! He lives in York and works in both the original and also New York.

He loves the theatre (especially musicals) and if you ever invite him to karaoke, you’d better be prepared to give up that mic!

Lee Harris

(Image credit: Al Bogdan, 2017)

1. What three attributes do you think a princess ought to have?

I’m going to pick just one attribute. She should just be strong enough to be herself and defy societal expectations. Of course, this is a nonsense reply. Tradition dictates exactly how a princess should behave, and so tradition dictates pretty much every attribute that a princess should have. I just want to say – fuck that. The most interesting people, the most interesting characters, are those that forge their own paths, regardless of the paths that may have been chosen for them.

2. What characteristics do you think are so overused that they’ve become tropes?

The ability to summon forest animals through song (though the movie Enchanted turned this on its head, wonderfully).

3. If I forced you to choose, which would be your favourite Disney princess?

Merida, without a doubt. She embodies the attribute I mentioned in question 1.

4. A lot of people look down on the older Disney princesses, such as Snow White and Aurora, as being too passive and subservient. Do you think there are good qualities in these outdated princesses that modern girls and boys can aspire to?

Of course! They are honest and true. They have good hearts. They often work hard for the good of others.

5. What’s the ideal outfit for a princess, including a can’t-do-without accessory?

Something smart that would not be inappropriate if conducting official business, that also allows a full range of movement for those times when the princess needs to be able to drop-kick an assailant or wrestle a dragon. And it should have pockets.

6. Although it’s rarely written about, princesses eventually turn into queens. Which fictional (or real) queen do you consider to be a particularly inspiring character?

Well, some princesses become queens. Where a royal household has more than one princess, they wouldn’t all expect to ascend, unless by a series of unfortunate deaths.

My favourite queen would have to be the killer one that Freddie Mercury sang about. I mean, she’s dynamite with a laser beam, guaranteed to blow your mind, anytime. What’s not to love? Oh, and she keeps her Moët et Chandon in her pretty cabinet. I admire anyone who has champagne or prosecco at the ready!

Copyright 2015-2021 Charlotte Bond
"Northern Lights over Low Row" Copyright Sandra Cockayne